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October 13, 1837CFA
...The rain prevented my going to town as I had intended. I improved the time...
October 14, 1837CFA
...I went to town this morning and occupied myself very much in...
October 15, 1837CFA
...Morning clear. I attended divine service and heard Mr. Lunt preach from...
October 16, 1837CFA
...This was a warm and pleasant day very different from the Autumn weather of...
October 17, 1837CFA
...A clear and absolutely hot day reminding one of July in October. I went to...
October 18, 1837CFA
...At home this day, pursuing pretty steadily the raking off which must be...
October 19, 1837CFA
...Morning I went to town, and as usual followed the round. The variety today...
October 20, 1837CFA
...A light rain but not enough to wet any thing. A drizzle continuing with...
October 21, 1837CFA
...My youngest boy Charles has been so unwell for some days as to be under...
October 22, 1837CFA
...A fine day. I attended divine service and heard Mr. Brooks of Hingham....