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February 16, 1837CFA
...Morning mild. I went to the Office and sat there quite uninterrupted...
February 17, 1837CFA
...Not a great deal of snow fell, but it was very windy and it laid in deep...
February 18, 1837CFA
...The cold was extreme this morning but it afterwards moderated very much...
February 19, 1837CFA
...A very clear, fine day. I read Chateaubriand for an hour after which...
February 20, 1837CFA
...I arose uncommonly early this morning for the purpose of being ready when...
February 21, 1837CFA
...Morning dark with snow. I went to the Office and was occupied as usual....
February 22, 1837CFA
...A very fine day, quite suitable to the Anniversary which it commemorates....
February 23, 1837CFA
...Morning snow which lasted all day, but it became mild towards evening and...
February 24, 1837CFA
...Morning cloudy but it afterwards cleared. I went to the Office thence to...
February 25, 1837CFA
...Morning very fine. I went to the Custom House in order to get my Wife’s...