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May 21, 1836CFA
...Morning warm. I went to the Office after giving my boy John a half hour’s...
May 22, 1836CFA
...The air changed in the night and gave us a cold Easterly morning. I went...
May 23, 1836CFA
...Still cold weather. My little girl is still suffering under the infliction...
May 24, 1836CFA
...A continuation of the cold Easterly storm which we have had for so long...
May 25, 1836CFA
...Morning still dull weather with a cold North East wind. My little girl is...
May 26, 1836CFA
...Continuation of the bad weather, I went to the Office and passed my time...
May 27, 1836CFA
...Morning dark and misty as usual. I went to the Office and was occupied...
May 28, 1836CFA
...It is now quite a week since the cloudy weather set in during which we...
May 29, 1836CFA
...Morning still cloudy and dull. I read Sir James Mackintosh in whose favour...
May 30, 1836CFA
...It rained more today than since the clouds set in and in the evening it...