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April 1, 1836CFA
...Morning pleasant. The first day that has given us any notion of the...
April 2, 1836CFA
...We have for a few days pleasant weather although the East winds prevent...
April 3, 1836CFA
...Clear. I continued reading Swift’s Journal to Stella—Queen Anne’s Tory...
April 4, 1836CFA
...The weather threatens daily to be bad but it clears off. I went to the...
April 5, 1836CFA
...The weather was sharply cold for the season, the wind being very Easterly....
April 6, 1836CFA
...Morning cold and it clouded up with a little flurry of snow. I went to the...
April 7, 1836CFA
...This was the day regularly set apart according to custom for Fast day. It...
April 8, 1836CFA
...A really pleasant and warm day. Went to the Office where I was engaged in...
April 9, 1836CFA
...A pleasant day—I went to the Office and was engaged in the usual manner,...
April 10, 1836CFA
...Cloudy with showers but it cleared away cold. I read the North American...