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January 2, 1836CFA
...A beautiful day for January. I went to the Office as usual. The accounts...
January 3, 1836CFA
...Morning very pleasant for the season of the year. I read some of...
January 4, 1836CFA
...Cloudy day with sleet, snow and finally heavy rain. I went to the Office....
January 5, 1836CFA
...A cloudy day with every alternation of weather. Mr. Everetts child still...
January 6, 1836CFA
...My first Letter to Mr. Slade came out this morning and satisfies me pretty...
January 7, 1836CFA
...The day still continues the dull, cloudy weather. We received notice this...
January 8, 1836CFA
...It is now nearly a week since the sun has been seen, and every thing looks...
January 9, 1836CFA
...Morning still darkling and wet. I went to the Office and occupied myself...
January 10, 1836CFA
...Rain and thaw. It is now a week since we have seen the light of the...
January 11, 1836CFA
...Morning still gloomy being the eighth day that the sun has been covered. I...