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October 5, 1835CFA
...The day was cloudy with mist and drizzle. I had intended to have gone to...
October 6, 1835CFA
...A tremendous rain with a warm southerly wind which lasted all day. I did...
October 7, 1835CFA
...Morning cloudy but it cleared afterwards. I went to the Office and...
October 8, 1835CFA
...Fine morning. In order to keep my engagement I went down and after...
October 9, 1835CFA
...Weather pleasant. I went to the Office and occupied myself as usual in...
October 10, 1835CFA
...Lovely day. Our weather could not possibly be finer. I went to the Office...
October 11, 1835CFA
...Morning fine, but the wind changed and it became cooler afterwards. I...
October 12, 1835CFA
...Beautiful day. I was very much occupied this morning so as to make it...
October 13, 1835CFA
...Fine day. My father and Mr. Price Greenleaf were in the parlor when I got...
October 14, 1835CFA
...My father passed the night at my House and spent this morning in town. We...