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May 24, 1832CFA
...Morning cloudy and disagreeable. It afterwards set in to rain quite hard....
May 25, 1832CFA
...The morning opened with heavy rain and the wind from the Eastward. I...
May 26, 1832CFA
...The morning was tolerably fair but cloudy, and it rained shortly...
May 27, 1832CFA
...Heavy and continued rain all day. I remained at home as the Carriage was...
May 28, 1832CFA
...The morning was cloudy but much more like Spring. I went to town...
May 29, 1832CFA
...Morning very lovely. It seemed to pay for all the bad weather we had had....
May 30, 1832CFA
...Against all expectation the day opened with the wind from the South and a...
May 31, 1832CFA
...I congratulated myself upon my decision of yesterday when I heard the Wind...
June 1, 1832CFA
...June in name but the day was more like September. My wetting made me...
June 2, 1832CFA
...Went to Boston this morning. Time engrossed in Commissions of various...