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May 22, 1831CFA
...Morning clear and pleasant. I went to Meeting all day and heard Mr....
May 23, 1831CFA
...I thought that as no especial business called me to town this morning, I...
May 24, 1831CFA
...A thick mist hung over the Country followed by heavy rain. As I had made...
May 25, 1831CFA
...It being Election day in town, and the weather appearing very...
May 26, 1831CFA
...Morning cloudy but it became beautifully clear by Noon. I went to Boston...
May 27, 1831CFA
...Morning for the first time for a considerable period clear. I started to...
May 28, 1831CFA
...The day was fine, but I concluded that I would not go to Boston today as I...
May 29, 1831CFA
...Our Weather hitherto since our stay at Quincy has been exceedingly cool,...
May 30, 1831CFA
...Morning in continuation of the preceding day. The weather somewhat warmer....
May 31, 1831CFA
...Another extremely warm morning. The Summer commences with some fury. I...