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October 14, 1774Adams, John; Continental Congress

...Whereas, since the close of the last war, the British parliament claiming...

October 15, 1774Adams, John

...Dined at Mr. Wests with the Rutledges and Mr. Middleton. An elegant House,...

October 15, 1774Adams, Abigail to Tudor, William

...I received your very obliging Letter and thank you for the early...

October 15, 1774Cranch, Mary Smith to Smith, Isaac Jr.

...It has been with inexpressable pleasure that I have beheld you usher'd...

October 15, 1774Cranch, Richard to Adams, John

...I hear that a letter from one P——s, a clergyman in Connecticut, has been...

October 16, 1774Adams, John

...Staid at Home all day. Very busy in the necessary Business of putting the...

October 16, 1774Adams, Abigail to Adams, John

...I dare not express to you at 300 hundred miles distance how ardently I...

October 16, 1774Cooper, Samuel to Adams, John

...Having just been informed that Mr. Tudor is going to Philadelphia, I take...

October 16, 1774Warren, James to Adams, John

...I Recd yours of the 18th Sepr with A pleasure and satisfaction that render...

October 17, 1774Adams, John

...Dined at...