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August 31, 1829CFA
...Morning return to town, with Abby whom I left at the House. Then to the...
September 1, 1829CFA
...Morning to town but rather late, having to copy and prepare a number of...
September 2, 1829CFA
...Morning, early return to Boston calling upon Mr. Bartlett on the way and...
September 3, 1829CFA
...Morning passed in separating all my affairs and living at Quincy. I now...
September 4, 1829CFA
...An accidental circumstance which deprived me of this Book at the proper...
September 5, 1829CFA
...Morning to the Office as soon as I found Abby had somebody with her to...
September 6, 1829CFA
...I was at home during the whole of the day. Abby would not go out to...
September 7, 1829CFA
...Morning at home until ten o’clock with Abby. Then finding she had some of...
September 8, 1829CFA
...Arose this morning and breakfasted a little late, my wife being quite...
September 9, 1829CFA
...Morning passed very happily. To the Office but there had for the first...