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documents containing names Tudor, William
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September 14, 1774Adams, John to Tudor, William

...I have been so totally taken up, that I dont know whether I have...

September 17, 1774Tudor, William to Adams, John

...Nothing very material has taken Place here since Mr. Revere left Boston,...

September 22, 1774Tudor, William to Adams, John

...On my Return from Salem this Afternoon I was gratified with the Receipt of...

September 26, 1774Tudor, William to Adams, John

...Mr. Revere arriv'd late on friday Evening and brought Us your Letters....

September 29, 1774Adams, John to Tudor, William

...I wish it was in my Power, to write you any Thing for the Relief of your...

October 7, 1774Adams, John to Tudor, William

...I have just Time to thank you for your Letters by Mr Revere, and all other...

October 15, 1774Adams, Abigail to Tudor, William

...I received your very obliging Letter and thank you for the early...

December 10, 1774Adams, John; Hancock, John; Hawley, Joseph; Warren, Joseph; Dexter, Samuel; Ward, Artemas; Warren, James; Heath, William; Lee, Jeremiah; Church, Benjamin; Holten, Samuel; Gerry, Elbridge; Tyng, John; Robinson, Lemuel; Foster, Jedediah; Gorham, Nathaniel; Cushing, Thomas; Adams, Samuel; Paine, Robert Treat; Massachusetts Provincial Congress to Boston Gazette (newspaper)

...Cambridge,10 December 1774. printed: Mass. Provincial Congress, Jours....

December 10, 1774Adams, John; Hancock, John; Hawley, Joseph; Warren, Joseph; Dexter, Samuel; Ward, Artemas; Warren, James; Heath, William; Lee, Jeremiah; Church, Benjamin; Holten, Samuel; Gerry, Elbridge; Tyng, John; Robinson, Lemuel; Foster, Jedediah; Gorham, Nathaniel; Cushing, Thomas; Adams, Samuel; Paine, Robert Treat; Massachusetts Provincial Congress to Inhabitants of Massachusetts Bay Colony

...Cambridge,10 December 1774. printed: Mass. Provincial Congress, Jours....

April 4, 1775Tudor, William to Adams, John

...The interesting Advices we rec'd here on Sunday, and which the Papers will...