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documents containing names Tudor, William
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December 3, 1797Adams, Abigail to Cranch, William

...I had the pleasure of receiving from you a very excellent Letter last...

February 6, 1798Adams, Abigail to Smith, William

...I received your Letter of Jan’ry and observed Your communication, somewhat...

February 28, 1798Adams, Abigail to Smith, William

...We now have the appearence of some fine weather our Rivers are open, but...

March 2, 1798Adams, Abigail to Smith, William

...The President received your Letter this morning dated 5 Feb’ry. the Rule...

March 5, 1798Adams, Abigail to Smith, William

...I received your kind favour of Febry 25 this morning. the badness of the...

March 5, 1798Cranch, William to Adams, John Quincy

...I do not know what was the date of my last to you, nor of yours to me, nor...

March 12, 1798Cranch, William to Adams, Abigail

... I travel’d all the first night, & arrived in Baltimore the next night at 9 oClock, & sat off agai...

March 20, 1798Adams, Abigail to Smith, William

...I yesterday received your Letter of March 11th it would...

March 30, 1798Adams, Abigail to Smith, William

...I fully unite with you in sentiment, that much ill Blood and warmth of...

April 14, 1798Smith, William to Adams, Abigail

...I am much oblig’d by your favors of the 30 Ult. & 6th Inst. with the...