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documents containing names Tudor, William
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July 12, 1797Cranch, William to Adams, Abigail

... for the interest you take in my happiness. Upon further deliberation, I had, before the receipt of ...

July 13, 1797Smith, William to Adams, Abigail

...Your several favors of the 1st & 9th Ins. I have recd. & am much oblig’d...

July 20, 1797Adams, Abigail to Cranch, William

...I received your Letter of July 12. I am inclined to think your last...

July 29, 1797Adams, Abigail to Smith, William

...nt happens to prevent us. I hope on thursday of next week to sleep at williams at Malbourough, and t...

August 5, 1797Cranch, William to Adams, Abigail

...Mrs. Cranch informs me that a kind letter arrived from you at Washington...

October 23, 1797Adams, Abigail to Smith, William

...As you was absent when I left home I was unable to pay you for some...

November 15, 1797Adams, Abigail to Cranch, William

...After an absence of near four Months I returned, to this City the last...

November 16, 1797Adams, Abigail to Smith, William

... pay a Note in mr Frothinghams hands. I have not received a line in acknowledgment of the letter, wh...

November 21, 1797Adams, Abigail to Smith, William

...ast wrote you. I inclose the amount of your account with many thanks for your kindness— The Betsy ...

November 21, 1797Cranch, William to Adams, Abigail

...for your kind communication of 15th. instt, with it’s important inclosures.— The fraternal and a...