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documents containing names Tudor, William
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June 29, 1774Adams, John to Tudor, William

...I am determined to amuse my self with my Pen, whenever I am at Leisure,...

July 23, 1774Adams, John to Tudor, John

...You will be Surprised I believe, to receive a Letter from me, upon a...

July 24, 1774Adams, John to Tudor, William

...In this Retreat I promise myself, much Pleasure from the Letters of my...

August 1, 1774Tudor, John to Adams, John

...I Received your favor of the 23d. ult. but not til Satterday night as the...

August 4, 1774Adams, John to Tudor, William

...I have received from your Father, a Letter dated August the first, in...

August 21, 1774Tudor, William to Adams, John

...The great Obligations your Friendship has laid me under would render me...

August 28, 1774Adams, John to Tudor, William

...I received your obliging Letter at New York, and it was peculiarly...

August 29, 1774Tudor, William to Adams, John

...I wrote you 21st. Inst. which I hope you have receiv'd. The publick Prints...

September 3, 1774Tudor, William to Adams, Abigail

...You may depend on my giving your Letter to Capt. Marston who sets out for...

September 3, 1774Tudor, William to Adams, John

...This Week has been fruitfull of extraordinary Transactions. I will...