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documents containing names Tudor, William
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May 29, 1778Bingham, William to First Joint Commission at Paris

...I have done myself the Honor of writing Several Letters to Congress upon...

May 31, 1778Adams, John Quincy to Cranch, William

...I now Sit down with an intent to give you an account of the Place I dind...

June 16, 1778Bingham, William to First Joint Commission at Paris

...It is a long time Since I have had the honor of receiving any of your...

June 20, 1778Moore, William to First Joint Commission at Paris

...Your Petitioner Humbly Sheweth that being a native of the States of New...

June 26, 1778Tudor, William to Adams, Abigail

...I inclose £23:3:10—Twenty Pounds, seventeen Shillings being the Amount of...

July 4, 1778MacCreery, William to Adams, John

...Last night arrived here from Baltimore the Brigantine Saratoga, Captn....

July 10, 1778Adams, John to Heath, William

...Passy, 10 July 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography...

July 10, 1778Adams, John to MacCreery, William

...Passy, 10 July 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography...

July 10, 1778Hodge, William to First Joint Commission at Paris

...By Yesterdays' Post I had the honor of receiving your Letter of the 19th...

July 25, 1778MacCreery, William to Adams, John

...Your favor of 10th. Instant did not reach me 'till this moment. I thank...