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documents containing names Tudor, William
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April 8, 1777Adams, John to Gordon, William

...I had your Favour of 27 March by this Days Post. That this Country will go...

April 27, 1777Adams, John to Tudor, William

...Aha!—exchanging the Pride, Pomp and Circumstance of Glorious War, for the...

June 5, 1777Gordon, William to Adams, John

...Your favour of April the 8th tho' frankt was not received till the 22d of...

August 2, 1777Continental Congress, New England delegates; Adams, John; Folsom, Nathaniel; Adams, Samuel; Marchant, Henry L.; Gerry, Elbridge; Dyer, Eliphalet; Williams, William to Washington, George

...As Congress have authorized your Excellency to send a proper Officer to...

August 7, 1777Gordon, William to Adams, John

...This day 7-night I transmitted under cover to Mr. Hancock a number of...

August 31, 1777Adams, John to Gordon, William

...The loss of Ty is in a train of serious enquiry. Altho this disaster for...

September 29, 1777MacCreery, William to Adams, John

...I did myself the pleasure to write you from Burdeaux the begining of this...

October 10, 1777MacCreery, William to Adams, John

...I did myself the Honour to write to you from Nantez the 29th ultimo and at...

December 1, 1777Continental Congress; Lee, Richard Henry; Duer, William; Dana, Francis

...That by the return of ordinance and stores taken from the enemy in the...

January 22, 1778Ellery, William to Adams, John

...I received a few days since a Letter from my good friend William Vernon...