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documents containing names Tudor, William
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March 7, 1770Sewall, Jonathan; Taylor, William; Winthrop, Samuel
...Suffolk Ss. At his Majesty's Superiour Court of...
September 29, 1770Adams, John; Cushing, Thomas; Hancock, John; Boylston, Thomas; Adams, Samuel; Warren, Joseph; Dennie, William; Boston Town Meeting
...Boston, 29 September 1770. MS not found. At the Boston Town Meeting of 20...
June 1, 1771Wetmore, William
June 1, 1771Wetmore, William
September 1, 1771Wetmore, William
...Caesar v. Taylor. Trespass for detention in slavery. Plea non cul. Besides...
November 1, 1771Wetmore, William
...At the Superior Court November the defendant offered to give in Evidence...
November 1, 1771Wetmore, William
...Taylor v. Caesar. Trespass for enslaving the defendant. Plea non cul....
November 1, 1771Wetmore, William
...Trespass for enslaving Plaintiff; plea non cul. Plaintiff offered evidence...
January 27, 1772Adams, John to Whipple, William
...Boston, 27 January 1772. Printed: Letters by Washington . . . and Others...
February 13, 1772Whipple, William to Adams, John
...Portsmouth, 13 February 1772. RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “To John Adams...