Boston 1773: The Destruction of the Tea

Boston 1773: The Destruction of the Tea

Inquiry Question 1: How did social, economic, and political factors contribute to the events of the Boston Tea Party?

Inquiry Question 2: How did the reactions to the Boston Tea Party demonstrate the growing divisions between the various interested parties in the political and economic future of the American colonies?

    Source Set
    For Teachers
    Additional Resources
    Map of Boston Harbor (1775)

    The Evolving Legacy of Crispus Attucks, 1770-1863

    The Evolving Legacy of Crispus Attucks, 1770-1863

    Inquiry Question 1: In what ways have people of color been both present for and critical actors in turning points in American history? 

    Inquiry Question 2: How and why has public memory of the Boston Massacre changed over time? In what ways do available evidence and point of view impact interpretations of historical events?

      Source Set
      For Teachers
      Additional Resources

      Emancipation in 18th century Massachusetts

      Emancipation in Massachusetts

      Inquiry Question: What tactics did enslaved people in Massachusetts in the 1700s use to free themselves?

        Source Set
        For Teachers
        Additional Resources

        Transportation: Change and Continuity

        Transportation: Change and Continuity

        Inquiry Question 1: What is transportation?

        Inquiry Question 2: How have methods of transportation changed over time?

        Inquiry Question 3: In what ways has transportation changed Boston's streets over time?

          Source Set
          For Teachers
          Additional Resources

          Revolutionary Abigail Adams

          Revolutionary Abigail Adams

          Inquiry Question: Who was Abigail Adams, and what roles did she take on during the Revolutionary Era?

          Through her letters and belongings we will explore the ways in which Abigail shaped—and was shaped by—the political and social events unfolding around her. 

            Source Set
            For Teachers
            Additional Resources

            Women and Nonimportation

            Women and Nonimportation

            Inquiry Question: How did women protest the Townshend Acts and aid the patriot cause?

            Historical Context

            Student Background

              Source Set
              For Teachers
              Additional Resources

              "A Great Public Nuisance": Boston's segregated schools in the mid-1800s

              "A Great Public Nuisance": Boston's segregated schools in the mid-1800s

              Inquiry Question 1: Prior to 1855, in what ways did segregated schools harm Black children in Boston?

              Inquiry Question 2: What actions did Black families take to advocate for integration?

                Source Set
                For Teachers
                Additional Resources

                Portraits of enslavement and freedom

                Portraits of Enslavement and Freedom

                Inquiry Question: What can portraits tell us about the past?

                Portraits are primary sources that tell us about the people who appeared in and painted them. In this set, you will look closely at three portraits to see what they show us about the lives of Black people in colonial and revolutionary Massachusetts. What can we learn about individuals? What information remains hidden?

                  Source Set
                  For Teachers
                  Additional Resources