Our Favorite Things
Objects that Fascinate, Interest, and Inspire
With millions of letters, diaries, photographs, and objects in our holdings, the stories we can tell at the MHS are countless. Our Favorite Things connects a selection of compelling, captivating, and amusing items from our collection to the backgrounds, interests, and memories of the MHS staff. Grouped into six categories, we invite you to explore these stories.
Liberty's Call History Drawn with Light Freedom & Unfreedom Cabinet of Curiosities From the Battlefield Craft of History
You're MY favorite thing ;)

Cabinet of Curiosities
When founder Jeremy Belknap set out to build the collection of the MHS in 1791, he envisioned a Society not only of “books, pamphlets, manuscripts, maps or plans,” but also material items that could help Americans understand their history. Peek into our cabinet of curiosities, an eclectic cross section of the visual and material culture represented in the MHS holdings, including a wooden screw used to make cheese in the 18th century and a bronze hot dog presented as a campaign gift in the 20th century.

In the mid-20th century, Americans had a great enthusiasm for all manner of keepsakes and mementos cast in bronze. On 17 October 1960, the National Hot Dog Council presented this life-size hot dog cast in bronze on a marble base to Republican vice-presidential candidate Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. The presentation letter read, “A million miles of hot dogs will be consumed in the United States this year and we hope that every one of these hot dog lovers casts a vote for you and Dick Nixon.” In the blur of events during the hard-fought presidential campaign, Lodge came to think that he had received the unusual gift during a visit to Nathan’s, the famous hot dog emporium in New York City.
MHS Maintenance Helper and Custodian George Major on Henry Cabot Lodge's Hot dog

“A bear hunt ensued after that…”
Watercolor by an unidentified artist, [circa 1874]

“You don’t milk 900 cows for nothing.”
Wood, circa 1800

“A new way of learning about the past…”
Dimity with cotton tapes by unknown maker; [Mass.?], late 18th-early 19th century

“This is someone I could sit down and have a beer with.”
Watercolor on paper by Henry Adams

"...this ridiculous, high bouffant hair style."
Silhouette, circa 1790

“...it’s just this amazing rabbit hole.”
Silk thread and watercolor on silk by Lydia Young Little James, circa 1803-1804

“What’s going on here? Is this like a modernist trick?”
Oil on canvas by John Singleton Copley, circa 1757

“...the very first connection between the United States of America and India.”
Mahogany, brass, porcelain, circa 1795

“Sitting on a shelf in a distant part of the building…”
Bronze, black marble, brass, felt by House of Williams, Chicago, IL, circa 1960
Freedom & Unfreedom
Often proclaimed “the land of the free,” the United States has a long history of unfreedom. Read how Abraham Lincoln grappled with the horrors of slavery. Witness an especially dark moment from World War II through a 1943 painting of a Japanese-American internment camp in Wyoming. Be inspired by a portrait of Elizabeth Freeman, an enslaved person who successfully sued for her freedom. Through these items, and more, we explore the complex nature of American freedom and unfreedom.

This watercolor painting by Estelle Ishigo depicts the Heart Mountain Relocation Center, one of ten internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War II. Ishigo was recruited as a “Documentary Reporter” for the War Relocation Authority and recorded the internment experience in illustrations, line drawings, oil, and watercolors.

“...the central dilemma of American history is on almost every one of those pages.”

“She had an existence... a long life, as a free person in the early decades of the 19th century.”
Miniature portrait, watercolor on ivory by Susan Anne Livingston Ridley Sedgwick, 1811

“...deceptively straightforward and deceptively lighthearted...”
Ink, watercolor on wove paper, by Bear's Heart (Cheyenne)

“Everytime I read it, I get goosebumps...”

“They figured out a plan to kidnap the kidnappers…”
Ink on paper by Henry I. Bowditch, circa 1854-1859

“I especially love the flavor she brought to the interaction on the bus…”

“How does this let us think about what it might have been like to be a child?”
Watercolor by Estelle Ishigo, March 1943, 7 P.M.

“Those histories actually changed the world…”
Paint on silk , circa 1785-1786
From the Battlefield
Born out of revolution and war, the United States has been involved in many military conflicts throughout its history. The MHS houses both artifacts and accounts of the human experience of war. Letters from the battlefields of the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and World War I reveal the emotions of those who lived during those events. Diary entries—from home and abroad—provide glimpses into wartime. Photographs of intrepid African Americans who served in the Civil War preserve the faces of those who fought for freedom.

The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was the first military unit consisting of Black soldiers raised in New England during the Civil War. When the announcement of the Emancipation Proclamation on 1 January 1863 made it possible for free Black men to enlist as soldiers, Massachusetts was the first state in the North to form a regiment. Henry F. Steward of Michigan was one of many volunteers to flock to Massachusetts from across the North. Through repeated demonstrations of bravery and honor, the regiment squashed prejudicial doubts about the martial skills of Black men.
MHS Director of Research Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai on photographs from the Massachusetts 54th Regiment
MHS Operations Assistant Jen Smith on photographs of the 54th Regiment
"When I first started working at MHS, I was part of what is now known as collections services. While doing microfilming/scanning I came across the 54th regiment and scanned them at one point. I've always been interested in the Civil War. Discovering African American contribution to the war has always interested me."

“Witnessing the smoke and the cannon fire…”

“Did it -- as Chase feared -- encourage soldiers to consider 'chance[ing] disease for a moment’s pleasure'?”

“It’s like she’s talking to you…”

“New England forthrightness and understatement”
Photograph by Margaret Hall

“...you can almost hear his voice as you read.”

“Every historical society should have its own cannon.”
Brass six-pounder cannon on a ship-style gun carriage

“She is a very different young woman than the one who arrived looking for someone to carry her bags.”

“They were willing to fight for America, they were willing to die for America.”
Hand-colored ambrotype, 1863
Liberty's Call
In 1775 John Adams wrote that Americans, “under great trials and dangers, have discovered great abilities and virtues, and that nothing is so terrible to them as the loss of their liberties.” And yet the call of liberty was and remains elusive for many Americans. Thus we find meaning in its talismans for their resonance as unrealized ideals. We can imagine Phillis Wheatley at her desk, writing her way into the American literary canon. We can hear George Washington's call to Continental soldiers to remain steadfast to the American cause. We can picture Mary Smith Cranch pulling letters from her pocket or the members of the African Society drafting laws of governance, both declaring that they, too, claim a place in the American republic.

“Wherever I go I am Scarcly welcome without I bring my pocket full of Letters,” Mary Smith Cranch wrote to her younger sister Abigail Adams, hinting at the value of Adams’s letters back home in New England. Her dispatches from Philadelphia illustrate her unparalleled access to political news and her skill in shaping public opinion—Philadelphia was, at that time, the home of the US president, Abigail’s husband, John. Cranch’s letter offers a snapshot of the headlines that captivated Americans in 1798. She shares word of popular support for the Adams administration in the wake of the XYZ Affair with France and comments on local news and politics in Quincy, Mass.
MHS Adams Papers Editor in Chief Sara Martin on Mary Smith Cranch's 1798 letter to Abigail Adams

“Before I loved John Adams, I loved George Washington…”
George Washington

“...standing outside of George III’s bedchamber...”

“Phillis Wheatley, who we think we know, but there is so much more work to be done.”
Mahogany folding card table

“It was perhaps their most gleeful moment.”

“It’s impossible to separate the study of history from the present.”
The African Society

“For me, it really centers women as political actors.”
History Drawn with Light
From the Greek roots meaning “drawing with light,” photography is the practice of creating images by recording light either electronically or chemically. In 1840, almost as soon as photography arrived in America, the MHS began to collect images of historical sites and then later collected notable figures, artifacts, and landscapes. In fact, the MHS hosted one of the first demonstrations of Louis Daguerre’s new and revolutionary photographic process—the daguerreotype. Explore a selection of works by professional and amateur photographers who documented 19th– and early 20th–century American history as it unfolded.

This stop-action photograph of Benjamin Sewall Blake jumping was taken by his father, Francis Blake. Francis Blake was born in Needham, Mass., in 1850. In his early years, he was a scientist who worked on the US Coast Survey and Darien Exploring Expedition. Later in life he became an accomplished inventor—he was known as “Transmitter Blake” because of his work on the development of the telephone—and a skilled photographer. In the mid-1880s, Blake designed a distinctive shutter that allowed him to take photographs with very short exposure times.
MHS Adams Papers Production Editor Gwen Fries on the photograph Benjamin Sewall Blake jumping

“I love that concept of now and then, standing in the same place and seeing what’s changed and what hasn’t...”
Gelatin silver print photograph by J. H. Beal & Company

“A lot of historical objects, you think, are important because they’re rare, and hers, it’s the opposite...”
Carte de visite by unidentified photographer, [1863]

“This gigantic collection of twelve-hundred lantern slides was dropped into my lap…”
Lantern slide possibly taken by Arthur A. Shurcliff, circa 1910s

“I could tell exactly where it was taken.”

"There is something that I love about the odd shape of the tree and its twisted trunk."
Photograph by Marian Hooper Adams, 1883

"Steady winds and soft sand..."
Photograph by Octave Chanute, October 1903

“I actually did jump up and down...”
Positive image derived from glass plate negative in the collection, by Francis Blake, circa 1888
Craft of History
Archives like the MHS house materials that provide vital clues about the people who created, used, and preserved them. It is the historian’s job to interpret these materials in order to craft a nuanced, complex picture of the past. Think like a historian as you explore the breadth of stories in our collection. We hope that what you’ll discover—whether it’s a 1692 petition to spare a woman’s life or a portrait of a soldier whose image was preserved but not his name—will inspire you to dig a little deeper.

In 1692, when witchcraft accusations, trials, and executions roiled Salem, petitions flooded the Salem court and the colonial government. In this document from 1692, 39 of Rebecca Nurse’s neighbors, both men and women, testified that they “never had Any cause or grounds to suspect her of Any such thing as she is now Acused of.” Nurse herself petitioned the court to admit additional evidence by “wise and skillful” women on her behalf, but she was found guilty and executed. In 1711, her heirs received £25 in compensation.
Not all such items in the documentary record date from 1692. The accused who had survived the hysteria and the relatives of those who had been put to death or died sought justice for almost 20 years, urging the Massachusetts Bay government to overturn the verdicts and provide financial compensation for the victims.
MHS Director of Education Elyssa Tardif on a petition for Rebecca Nurse

“I have to say, Louisa Catherine Adams made me a historian, and a historian of women.”
Photograph of microfilm reel

“This letter remains relevant to our work…”

“It really has rewarded the digging of trying to figure out why this is here, who is behind it.”
Illuminated manuscript on vellum

“He is the opposite of isolated: He is embedded in family…”

“Most of our enduring knowledge (and myths) about pirates come from this text.”
by Daniel Defoe with considerable additions by Captain Charles Johnson

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen an image like that…”
Carte de visite

“What are future ages going to think of us?”
MHS Web Developer Bill Beck on Estelle Ishigo's painting of Heart Mountain Relocation Center.
MHS Assistant Director of Education Kate Melchior on Estelle Ishigo's painting of Heart Mountain Relocation Center.
MHS Nora Saltonstall Preservation Librarian Kathy Griffin on Estelle Ishigo's painting of Heart Mountain Relocation Center.