Printers, Brought before the Lord Mayor, & Alderman by Vertue of the Kings Procla- mation , & discharged. 471.
Pardons, the King some times gives them, before Con- viction , or Sentence. 619.
Queries Concerning our Charter, addressed to Johan- nes[Johannes] in Eremo. 391.
- - - [Queries ] of Johannes in Eremo on our Charter; and the Nature of our
Subjection to King Great Britain 413.
Quincy Samuel, his pleadings for the King, on the
Trial of the Soldiers concerned in the Boston Mas- sacre. 793.838.
- - - [Quincy ] Josiah, his Pleadings for the
Soldiers on the same Trial. 852.919.
Resolves of the Re- presentatives , of the Pro- vince of North Carolina, against being Taxed by
the British Parliament, and against the Resolves of the House of
Lords, & Commons 21.
- - - [Resolves ] of the same, Against Sherriffs taking Ille- gal Fees 22.
- - - [Resolves ] of the same, against Opposing Officers
- - - [Resolves ] of the Re- presentatives of the Massa- chusetts Bay , against setting at Cambridge, say it is Illegal. &c. 70.
- - - [Resolves ] of the same Resolve, they will do no busi- ness out of Boston 138.
- - - [Resolves ] vid a List of their Names, who voted pro & Con. Ibid.
of the same, on the Same & determine to do no business. 146
- - - [Resolves ] of the Same, on the same Subject.
- - - [Resolves ] of the same, Resolve to do Business at Cambridge: with a list of their Names who voted pro & Con. 276
- - - [Resolves ] of the House of Commons of G. Britain respecting, & resolve that the Establishment of the Judges of Vice
Admiralty in America, & of the Commissioners, shall be laid before them.
R (Brought up)
Resolves of the Ho- use of Commons, in G.Bri- tain[Britain] , when they partly repeal'd the duty Act and took under Consideration the city Remon- stance , and the Right of petiti- oning the King. 119.
- - - [Resolves ] Moved for, in ye House of Commons, by Mr Bourke to be past
relative to America 184.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Phila- delphia Tradesmen &c, to abide by the Non Importation Agree- ment. &c: and against Newport 136.
- - - [Resolves ] of the same, Against New York
for Breaking the Agreement 183.
- - - [Resolves ] of Philadelphia Grand jury
Men, on their Mer- chants. &c, dissolving the Non Importation Agreement &c.
- - - [Resolves ] of Philadelphia, on the same
- - - [Resolves ] of the Inhabi- tants of City of New York, against Newport, & resolve to abide by the non Importation Agreement. 138.
- - - [Resolves ] Moved for, by the Duke of
Richmond to be passed in the House of Lords, relative to
America. &c. 177.
- - - [Resolves ] of the Representa- tives of South Carolina, on their Right to raize Money. &c. 292.305
- - - [Resolves ] of the Commons House of
Georgia, respecting Mr. Whitfields Body. &c. 328.