- - - [Merchants. &c. ] Their proceedings relative to
the Non Importation Agremeent. &c. 209.
- - - [Merchants. &c. ] of
Connecticut, Resolve against Newport, with
an account of their proceedingss to Strenghten the Non Impor- tation agreement. &c. 165.
- - - [Merchants. &c. ] Vote to break all Connections
with New- hampshire[New Hampshire] , till , &c. 165.
- - - [Merchants. &c. ] of Newhaven[New Haven] , their proceedings relative to the Defection of
New York 187.
- - - [Merchants. &c. ] of
Hartford, their proceedings relative to the Defection
of New York. &c. 194.201.
- - - [Merchants. &c. ] of Conne c ti- cut[Connecticut] meet, and renew their Agree- ment , & vote against New York 251.270.
- - - [Merchants. &c. ] of Salem, their proceedings against Newport for violating the Agree- ment 145
M ( Brot over.)
Merchants, and people of New York, attempt to break
the Non Importation Agreemt. 152
- - - [Merchants, ] Attempt to break the Agreement: a
Full Account of their proceedings 170.171.
- - - [Merchants, ] they Dissolve their Non Im- portation Agreement and vote to send orders from all Goods, except
Tea, & other Goods liable to a duty. 174.
- - - [Merchants, ] Their Letter to the Merchants if Phila delphia[Philadelphia] acquainting them of the disolution of their agreemt. & of their sending their orders &c. 174.
- - - [Merchants, ] Their Letter Burnt at (New
York say) New Jersey. Ibid.
- - - [Merchants, ] The disolution of theie agree- ment , said to be done by Ministerial Influence. 175.
- - - [Merchants, ] Their Letter sent to the Merchants of New- haven[New Haven] : to Induce them to come into the Non Impor- tation Agreement. 187.
- - - [Merchants, ] Protested against by
Huntingdon. See the Protest
- - - [Merchants, ] Protested against by the Inhabitants
of New York vid. Protest
- - - [Merchants, ] Their Letter to the
Boston committee, Justify their disolving the
Agreement. 239
Merchants, &c. of Mary land[Maryland] , vote against Newport. 153.
- - - [Merchants, &c. of Mary land[Maryland] , ] abide by their Agreement 307.
M (Brought up)
Merchants &c. of Vir- ginia[Virginia] , enter into an agree- ment &c. 170.
- - - [Merchants &c. of Vir- ginia[Virginia] , ] Renew their For- mer Agreement 174.
- - - [Merchants &c. of Vir- ginia[Virginia] , ] Their Further proceedings relative
to the Non Importation Agreement 194.
Merchants &c. of Philadelphia, their reply to the Letter of the New
York Merchants, acquai n ting them of the disolution. &c. 174.
- - - [Merchants &c. of Philadelphia, ] Endeavor to break the Non
Importation Agreement: An Account of their proceedings.
&c. 254.
- - - [Merchants &c. of Philadelphia, ] They meet, and dissolve their
Non Impor- tation Agreement. 255.263.
Merchants of Boston, Attempt to separate from the
Body, to that end put out an advertisement. 234.
- - - [Merchants of Boston, ] They
separate from the Body of the Inha- bitants , meet by themselves, and dissolve the Non Importa- tion Agreement 276.
- - - [Merchants of Boston, ] They deliver
up the Goods belonging to the Importers which were Stored. 285.
Monies great, granted by New York Assembly for the Troops
Murder of Young Sni- der[Snider] , committed by
Ebenezer Richarson 50.53.
- - - [Murder ] Committed by a Man of Wars
Man. 193