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My Dearest Friend
I received by our Thursday post, yours of Decbr. 18 and 23 together with the Bennets Strictures. You may be sure Bennet is a favorite writer with me for two reasons. The first is; that he is ingenious enough, to acknowledg and point out the more than Egyptian Bondage, to which the Female Sex, have been subjugated, from the earliest ages, and in the second place; that he has added his Mite, to the cultivation, and improvement of the Female Mind. Much yet remains to be done. There is however more attention paid to the Education of Females in America, within these last 15 years than for a whole centry before, and the rising Generation will be benifitted by it. Conjugal fidelity holds the first place in the Rank of Female Virtues, and whilst that Source is uncorrupted, we may hope to see the united efforts of parents exerted towards the improvement and cultivation of the minds and morals of their ospring regardless of the Sex, affording to each an Education to qualify them to move with honour and dignity in their proper Sphere.
You promised me an account of the Female Commencement, Was you dissapointed, either in your expectations or in your attendance?
I wrote you not long since a request that you would subscribe for Fennos paper for Mr. Cranch as Post Master. Since that I have not received a paper from Fenno, nor has Mr. Cranch received one as Post Master. I do not know
How insolent and impudent are the Jacobines of Pensilvana? They have adopted the very stile and language of the French Jacobines, and they breath the Sentiments of the Southern incendaries in Congress. Judge Lowel asked Mr. Bowdoin how in his conscience he could vote for Jarvis? Why he replied I do not like his politicks, and I despise the Man, but I have been neglected and slighted by the other Party: Such is the Patriotism of the World. How little sterling integrity: How hard the lesson to divest one of self interest. The World however see through the veil, and it is oweing to this same Self Love, that the Man has been neglected. Neither his Fathers Patronage, nor his own ample fortune have been able to raise him higher than State Senator. And there with such principals may he remain.
Winter has sit in with Vigor, a flight of Snow succeeded by cold, an inclement week. We have not much to relate in the Way of Business. Getting Wood, and some attentions at home, have occupied our people this week. We want Snow. To Day we have a heavy Rain mixt with slight Snow. The Broad Wheels are under Water. The Scow
Shaw is a very excellent hand. He has hurt himself and for a fortnight has been unable to do much stooping under the cart to do something to an axeltree. The cart tipd up upon the Small of his back, brought him to the Ground, and set him to spitting Blood.
"O be thou blest with all that Heaven can send." is the New Year's benidiction of your ever affectionate A Adams