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Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 30 December 1794

My Dearest Friend

Your favr. of 24th [Abigail to John, 24 December 1794] marked by the Post Office 22d of Decr. I received yesterday.

Mr. Osgoods Sermon was plenty here. I received one from Boston before. The Clergy I think ought to pray for the national Government. If our Dissenting Ministers will not at Quincy I will go to Church, where a form is prescribed by Authority which even Mr. Cleverly complies with.

Within a Day or two after your last I presume you received an order for 600, which will enable you to repay what you have borrowed.

Mrs. Washington, Mrs. Cabot and Mr. Cabot desire me to send you their Regards &c.

Not one Word about the Farm in this last Letter, a fatal omission. Tell Joy I expect hope to see my Cattle fat, though he works them hard.

Now come great Things. Knox is to go out tomorrow. He insists on beginning the Year 1795 a freeman. He told me Yesterday, he had been 20 Years (next April) in service, that if he should die tomorrow his Wife and Children would not have enough to live on two years. That he had not above ten years to live, that he had the means at the Eastward of making something and that it was his Duty to do it.

This Man is capable of flattering himself with hopes that to others appear Chimerical. But He is capable of thinking himself popular enough in Massachusetts to be chosen Governor at the first Vacancy. But I suspect he cherishes another hope, that is of being Governor of Maine. These however are hints between you and me and to go no farther.

Another Gentleman Yesterday let me read in his Heart without suspecting it. Mr. Cabot told me, he thought he should not come again to Senate. Mrs. Cabot was averse to coming this time. He had Difficulty to persuade her. He thought she would not come again and if she declined he would not come without her. You know my opinion of the Motive of his removal to Brooklyne. His Resignation will be in pursuance of the same Views. But I cannot help thinking he will be disappointed. I know of no Man, who would make a better Governor, at least among all those who are likely to obtain the Place. But his services have not been known enough to the People to sink into their hearts. His fortune is not splendid enough to dazzle: and he is not at the head of any interested Bank or Company whose Exertions can bring him in. I pitty these ambitious Men: By joining with Gill he might be chosen Lt. Govr. for ot. I know.

But the Man the most to be pitied is the President. With his Exertions, anxieties, Responsibilities for twenty years without fee or reward or Children to enjoy his Renown, to be the Butt of the Insolence of Genets and Clubbs

is a Tryal too great for human Nature to be exposed to. Like The Starling he cant get out of his Cage but Knox says and I believe it, he is sick very sick in it. I could tell you a great deal more but this must be reserved for a Tete a Tete.

Dont forget the farm next time. Adieu.

[Endorsement -- see page image]

Cite web page as: Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 30 December 1794 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://www.masshist.org/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, John. Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 30 December 1794. 4 pages. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Source of transcription: Adams Papers Editorial Project. Unverified transcription.
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