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Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 4 December 1792

My dearest Friend

I was very happy to receive on thanksgiving day the 29 of Novbr. Your Letter dated Hartford [John to Abigail, 24 November 1792] . I feard that you had not reachd so far the weather, was so dissagreable, but if the Roads have mended as much with You as they have this way, You have reachd Philadelphia by this time. I shall with impatience wait to hear of your arrival there. The Snow remaind with us but one week Since which we have had pleasent weather. There has not anything occurd material that I know of since You left us. If you get Russels paper You will see a little deserved Burlesque upon the Govenours Speach respecting the expressions made us of by Congress which gave him such umbrage. Tomorrow is a very important day to the United States, much more important to them, than it can possibly be to you or to me, for think of it as they please tomorrow will will determine whether their Government shall stand four Years longer, or Not. Mr. Clinton seems to be the only competitor held up. I fancy he will receive no aid from N. England. I hope you will order Tenno to continue his paper to me. We have had a Gang of Thieves infesting this Town since You left it. The thursday after You went away Shaw and James went into the woods and in the day time the best saddle was stolen out of the Barn closset. The same Night Mr. Gury had his best Horse stolen and Mr. Smith who lives in Mrs. Rows place had his taken the same night and last Sunday morning James came Running in to inform me that his Stables had been attempted, and his Lock broken, but being doubly secured the villan could not effect his purpose. He tried the Coach house door and split of a peice of the door, but could not get the Bar out. He went on to Mr. Adams's at Milton and stole his Horse.

A Traveller lodged at Marshes Tavern on Saturday night, who got up in the Night Rob'd the House of various articles of wearing Apparal and made of. We Suppose that he was the person who attempted our Stables and that he belongs to a Gang. They are in persuit of him.

Your Mother was well this day. She spent it with me. She and your Brother, and family all dinned with me on thanksgiving day as well as our Son. Tis the first thanksgiving day that I have been at Home to commemorate for Nine Years. Scatterd and dispersed as our Family is, God only knows whether we shall ever all meet together again. Much of the pleasure and happiness resulting from these N. England Annual festivals is the family circles and connections which are brought together at these times, but whether seperate or together I am Sensible that every Year has produced been productive of many Blessings, and that I have great cause of thankfulness for preserving mercies both to myself and Family,

I inclose a Letter for Brisler. I wish him to inquire the price of Rye that I may know whether it would quit cost to send me a dozen Bushel. Tis five and Six pence pr Bushel here. Superfine flower I want to know the price of. It has taken a rise here.

My Love to Thomas. Tell him to write me often. I hope the House of Reps will be in a little better humour after all Elections are over. I hope trust they will not follow the French example and Lop of Heads, even of departments. They appear to have a great tenor of them. I see a Lucius and a Marcus. I should like to know

who they are. [ . . . ] many compliments and respects to all my good Friends in Philadelphia. I flatter myself I have some there, and be assured of the affectionate Regard of Your

A Adams

[Endorsement -- see page image]

[Envelope -- see page image]

Cite web page as: Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 4 December 1792 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://www.masshist.org/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, Abigail. Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 4 December 1792. 4 pages. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Source of transcription: Adams Papers Editorial Project. Unverified transcriptions.
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