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Journal of the voyage of the ship Jefferson, Josiah Roberts Captain, from Boston to the northwest coast of North America, China, and around the globe between November 29, 1791 and December 8, 1794
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A narrative by Bernard Magee ( -1801) of a voyage on the ship Jefferson, commanded by Josiah Roberts, from Boston, Mass. around Cape Horn, to the northwest coast of North America, and on to Canton, China, kept from 29 November 1791 to 8 December 1794. Magee describes daily activities at stops in the Northwest, meetings with Indigenous people, and the trading of sea otter skins. The journal also contains occasional logbook entries recording navigational information related to the voyage. Brief stops include Valparaiso, St. Felix and St. Ambrose Islands, Marquesas Islands, Hawaii, Barcley’s Sound, Nootka Sound, and Cayah’s Harbor.