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Letter from Meta Warrick Fuller to Marion Colvin Deane, 5 January 1928

Letter from Meta Warrick Fuller to Marion Colvin Deane, 5 January 1928 Manuscript


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    This letter was written by African American artist Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller to Marion C. Deane. In it, Fuller, a resident of Framingham, Massachusetts, describes an "amusing incident" on a bus when she overheard a white woman complaining about integration in schools, restaurants, and other public places. Fuller was an accomplished and acclaimed Black sculptor associated with the Harlem Renaissance.

    “I especially love the flavor she brought to the interaction on the bus…”

    MHS Vice President of Development Maureen Nguyen on Meta Warrick Fuller's letter to Marion C. Deane

    I am drawn to this collection item for many reasons, the first of which is an admiration for the artist Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, whose work I was introduced to at my local art museum in Framingham – the Danforth Museum of Art. Her life story, brilliance of talent, and unprecedented accomplishments are remarkable despite the challenges she faced as a woman and person of color. I especially love the flavor she brought to the interaction on the bus described in the letter. She has every reason to be furious and resentful, but she brings an honest and playful approach to dealing with the ignorance of her fellow passenger. I am inspired by her to replace the rage of hatred with the basic humanity that a simple statement of truth can provide.

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