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William Steuben Smith diary and letterbook, 1809-1821
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This volume contains the diary William Steuben Smith, kept on a trip to St. Petersburg, Russia, as private secretary to John Quincy Adams, U.S. minister to Russia, 16 July-29 Oct. 1809, and also a letterbook containing drafts of Smith’s outgoing correspondence, 19 July 1811-14 April 1820. The diary describes the activities of Smith and Adams; preparations for the trip to Russia; Smith’s impressions of various people, including John Adams and other members of the Adams family; details of the trans-Atlantic voyage, including encounters with other ships; and landings at Kristiansand (Norway), Helsingor (Denmark), and Kronstadt (Russia). The letterbook portion of the volume consists of copies of Smith’s personal correspondence from St. Petersburg and Washington.
Funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission supported the web presentation of this volume.