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An Exact View of the Late Battle at Charlestown, June 17, 1775

An Exact View of the Late Battle at Charlestown, June 17, 1775 Engraving
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[ This description is from the project: Bunker Hill ]

This engraving by Bernard Romans depicts a panoramic view of the battle of Bunker Hill on 17 June 1775. Here Romans shows two ships, the city in flames and lines of soldiers facing each other. The text under the title reads:

In which an advanced party of about 700 Provincials stood an Attack made by 11 Regiments & a Train of Artillery & after an Engagement of two hours Retreated to their Main body at Cambridge Leaving Eleven Hundred of the enemy Killed and Wounded upon the fields

The nine references assigned by Romans are:
1. Boston
2. Charleston
3. Breeds Hill
4. Provincial Brestwork
5. Retreating Regulars
6. Frigate
7. Somerset
8. Broken Officer
9. General Putnam

Romans, a navigator, surveyor, cartographer, and soldier, was one of a small number of expatriate British officers and officials with technical training who gave their allegiance to their new country. He is most famous for maps of the southeastern United States, particularly Florida, in the period leading up to 1775.