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John Joy, Jr.

John Joy, Jr. Oil on canvas
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[ This description is from the project: Revolutionary-era Art and Artifacts ]

This portrait depicts John Joy, Jr., when he was approximately seven years old. The portrait was completed by Joseph Badger (1708-1765) in 1758.  Joy eventually became a landowner and apothecary.  

John Joy, Jr. was born in 1751 in Boston, Massachusetts, the son of John and Sarah (Homer) Joy.  The elder Joy, a Loyalist, removed with his family to England during the Revolution, but John, Jr. and his wife returned to Boston after 1783. John Joy, Jr; married Abigail Greene of Boston in 1777, and had three children, all of whom died unmarried. He was a landowner and apothecary who carried the title of "doctor". John Joy, Jr. died in Boston in 1813.