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Thomas Hutchinson

Thomas Hutchinson Portrait, oil on canvas
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[ This description is from the project: Object of History, 2013 Exhibit ]

This is the only known portrait from life of Thomas Hutchinson (1711-1780), governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the tumultuous years leading up to the Revolution. Hutchinson’s house was sacked by a mob in 1765, a milestone in the series of acts of civil disobedience that made Boston notorious in the eyes of the British government. Boston shopkeeper Harbottle Dorr, Jr., annotated the 26 June 1769 issue of The Boston Evening-Post with his personal opinions on Hutchinson: "Judge Hutchinson__ No compliment to him; quite the reverse, as Coming from such an Infamous Ministry, or their Tools" and "Judge Hutchinson was the first who granted 'em in this Province, wch. made him obnoxious."