June 11 1776

to Reconnoitre the adjacent advanta-
-geous Posts that we might be better
acquainted with the Scituation of the
ground and be able to take advantage
thereof whenever we Should be called
to action. we marched to Turtle Bay
about 3 Miles & in our March had
Several Sham Engagements &c
then returned to Camp about 11
o clock almost starved -- In the
Afternoon I went to the City to School

12 [July 1776] Went on Fatiegue at the Grand Bat-
-tery -- Several Deserters from the
Enemy informed that it was the Int-
-ention of the Enemy to have Sent
5 Ships up the N River to Stop the
Water Communication between Alb=
-any & N York, This was confirmed
by the Circumstance of 4 Boats
having come further up the Harbour
Yesterday than common as was sup=
-posed to Sound the Bay. In the
Afternoon a fine Brieze arose at S W
& the Tide being favourable at the Same
Time we Soon discovered 2 Ships &
3 Tenders making for the Town