written, or printed, within the Colonies of Quebec or Granada, in any
other than the English Language, shall be liable to be charged with any
higher Stamp Suty than if the same had been ingrossed, written, or
printed in the English Language.

Provided always, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend to
Charge with any Duty, any Deed, or other Instrument, which shall be
made between any Indian Nation and the Governor, Proprietor of any
Colony, Lieutenant Governor, or Commander in Chief, alone, or in Con-
junction with any other Person or Persons, or with any Council, or any
Council and Assembly of any of the said Colonies or Plantations, for or
relating to the granting, surrendering, or conveying, any Lands belong-
ing to Such Nation, to, for, or on Behalf of His Majesty, or any such
Proprietor, or to any Colony or Plantation.
Provided always, That this Act shall not extend to charge any Pro-
clamation, Forms of Prayer and Thanksgiving, or any printed Votes of
any House of Assembly in any of the said Colonies and Plantations, with
any of the said Duties on Pamphlets or News-Papers; or to charge any
Books commonly used in any of the Schools within the said Colonies and
Plantations, or any Books containing only Matters of Devotion or Piety;
or to charge any single Advertisement printed by itself, or the daily
Accounts or Bills of Goods imported and exported, so as such Accounts
or Bills do contain no other Matters than what have been usually com-
prized therein; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwith-

Providing always, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend to
charge with any of the said Duties, any Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, on
which shall only be ingrossed, written, or printed, any Certificate that
shall be necessary to intitle any Person to receive a Bounty granted by
Act of Parliament.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said
several Duties shall be under the Management of the Commissioners, for
the Time being, of the Duties charged on Stamped Vellum, Parchment,
and Paper, in Great-Britain: And the said Commissioners are hereby
impowered and required to employ such Officers under them, for that
Purpose, as they shall think proper; and to use such Stamps and Marks,
to denote the Stamp Duties hereby charged, as they shall think fit; and
to repair, renew, or alter the same, from time to time, as there shall be
Occasion; and to do all other Acts, Matters, and Things, necessary to
be done, for putting this Act in Execution with relation to the Duties
hereby charged.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Com-
missioners for managing the said Duties, for the time being, shall and
may appoint a fit Person or Persons to attend in every Court or Publick
Office within the said Colonies and Plantations, to take Notice of the
Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, upon which any of the Matters or Things
hereby charged with a Duty shall be ingrossed, written, or printed, and
of the Stamps or Marks thereupon, and of all other Matters and Things
tending to secure the said Duties; and that the Judges in the several
Courts, and all other Persons to whom it may appertain, shall, at the
Request of any such Officer, make such Orders, and do such other Mat-
ters and Things, for the better securing of the said Duties, as shall be
lawfully or reasonably desired in that Behalf: And every Commissioner
and other Officer, before he proceeds to the Execution of any Part of
this Act, shall take an Oath in the Words, or to the Effect following
(That is to say)