Dec. 10th. [1775] The Provincial Privateers, it is said, carried
in yesterday a Ship from London, a Brig from
Scotland and another from the W. Indies; and
are almost daily taking Sloops and the like
bound in here.

17. [December 1775] The Provincials being busy in carrying on
their Works on a Rise at Phips's Farm; a King's
Ship at the head of Charles River endeavour'd
to stop them by Firing, but a Battery about
a Musket-Shot to the Eastward of it threw Shot
so hard upon the Ship (the third going thro'
her) as oblig'd her to haul down in the
night and leave them quiet Possession.

18th. [December 1775] Yesterday arrived several Vessells from Hal-
-lifax and England with Provisions, etc.,
and to day the Provincials threw an eighteen lb.
Shot into Town which struck upon Dr. Lloyd's
Hill without killing any one.

26. [December 1775] Orders were given out from head Quarters
to day, for many Persons to leave the Town
by the morrow ten oClock.

30th. [December 1775] This day Admiral Schuldham arriv'd
at Nantasket with a large number of
other Vessells.