the 25d. [June 1775]
our Rigemant Began to intrench
in order to have a larom Post of their

the 26d. [June 1775]
Nothing Remarkabel to Day

the 27d. [June 1775]
Nothing Remarkabel to Day

The 28d. [June 1775]
one Andrus was wiped 28 lashes
one ride the woden hors for Striking
his offiser

the 29d. [June 1775]
a rany Day Nothing Remarkabel

the 30d [June 1775]
one man wiped 78 lashes for
Sundry Crimes one rode the woden
horse for abusing his offiser
one wiped 29 lashes

July the 1d [1775]
This Day a man rode the woden
horse a grait Deal of firing from
the Ships but we re.d one hurt

the 2d [July 1775]
This Day ginrale Washenton arived
at Cambridge with 80 horses
a number of Canons fired at Roxbry
but no Damige Done