[March 1776, cont.] it hopped after its first
about 4 times & if it had hoped
Again before it broke as its Velocity was dimin=
-ishing it would have come as near
as I can judge to the very Spot where
I was, it broke about 25 Yard Distan-
-ce, and one of the Pieces came with
great rapidity about 2 Yards above
my Head -- the Fire Still con=
-tinued but at it Seemed about
3 when the Relieves of every Re=
-giment to parade, God So ordered it
that their Fire was a little abated
or in all probability they must have
killed more of us one Lieut
being the only Man hurt he had
his thigh Shot off as he wa of which
he died the next Day -- Upon
our Arrival upon the Hills (for
We took possession of 2 by building
Forts) I was prodigiously Surprised
to find the Vast works that had been
carried on in so little Time the Men
having worked as we relieved them
and they got off without being
discovered by the Enemy, which
was no Small Favour both in our