the 18d. [June 1775]
This morning we Sat out from
Prospect hil about 9 a clock in the morning
whaire we staid the night before
and came to Cambridge to our head
Quarters we wair alarmed once or
twise this Day

the 19d [June 1775]
Nothing Remarkabel to Day

the 20d [June 1775]
Nothing Remarkabel to Day
only very Cold for the Season

the 21d [June 1775]
Nothing Remarkabel to Day

the 22d [June 1775]
Nothing Remarkabel to Day

the 23d [June 1775]
a false alarme this Day their was
a frost that Cut of the Corne

the 24d [June 1775]
This morning their was a false
alarem the Regelors marched down
the Bunkers hill tords us
But Soon Returned