of things. Helen has drawn a scrap-book worth
$20! She said when she chose a number "I
think I will take 12, that's my age." There
was a splendid book, all carved, with 36 pic-
tures in it, painted by the best artists. I
must say it made me mad when, a gentle-
man said (He was looking at the pictures
behind me, with his wife) "Ah! Thats
what I like! Splendid, magnificent!" – He
was speaking of an ugly face, – I could
have painted as good a one seems to me. I'm
sure I dont see what they put itin the
"Artist Book," for. It's provoking, a Mr J. P.
Putnam has drawn two, or three things.
There was a pretty table that was raffled,
and when Mary wanted to take a ticket,
there were only two tickets – 29, and 30, and
she said – "I wont be superstitious , so she
took "30," and "29" drew it! Here are the
presents I'm going to give to my friends.
For Mary – a picture, which will be
framed with black walnut.
" Mother – the same as
" Hatty – A little pocket account
" Father – A man made of wood (A