An Act of Parliament, passed in the Fourth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King GEORGE the Third. 1764.

An Act for granting certain duties in the British Colo-
nies and plantations in America; for continuing, a-
mending, and making perpetual, an Act passed in
the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King
George the Second, (initituled, An Act for the better
securing and encouraging the Trade of his Majesty’s
Sugar Colonies in America)
; for applying the Pro-
duce of such Duties, and of the Duties to arise by
virtue of the said Act, towards defraying the Expences
of defending, protecting, and securing the said Colo-
nies and Plantations; for explaining an Act made in
the Twenty fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles
the Second, (intituled, An Act for the Encourage-
ment of the
Greenland and Eastland Trades, and for
the better securing the Plantation Trade
); and for
altering and disallowing several Drawbacks on Exports
from this Kingdom, and more effectually preventing
the clandestine Conveyance of Goods to and from the
said Colonies and Plantation, and improving and se-
curing the trade between the same and Great Britain.

Whereas it is expedient that new Provisions and Regulations
should be established for improving the Revenue of this King-
dom, and for extending and securing the Navigation and Com-
merce between Great-Britain and Your Majesty’s Dominions in
America, which, by the Peace, have been so happily enlarged: and where-
as it is just and necessary, that a Revenue be raised, in Your Majesty’s said
dominions in America, for defraying the Expences of defending, protecting
and securing the same; we, Your Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal Subjects,
the Commons of Great-Britain, in Parliament assembled, being desirous to
make some Provision, in this present Session of Parliament, towards raising