to them and spoke to the fourth man from the corner, who
stood in the gutter, and asked him if the soldiers were loaded,
he reply'd Yes! I then asked (addressing myself to
the whole)
if they intended to fire, was answered positively, Yes, by
the Eternal God. I then look'd round to see what
of inhabitants were in the street, and computed them to be
about fifty, who were then going off as fast as possible ; at the same
time I observed a tall man standing on my left-hand, who
seemed not apprehensive of the danger he was in, and before
I had time to speak to him, I heard the word Fire ! and imme-
diately the report followed, the man on my left hand dropt, I
asked him if he was hurt, but received no answer, I then stoop-
ed down and saw him gasping and struggling with death. -- I
then saw another man laying dead on my right-hand, but
ther advanced up the street. I then saw the soldiers loading
again, and I ran up the street to get some assistance to carry
off the dead and wounded. Doctor Jos. Gardner, and
Bradley, came down with me to the corps, and
as we were
stooping to take them up, the soldiers presented at us again ;
I then saw an officer passing busily behind them. -- We carried
off the dead without regarding the soldiers. I then saw an
officer pass before the soldiers and hove up their arms, and said
stop firing, don't fire any more, upon which they shouldered.
-- I then went close up to them, and addressing myself to the
whole, told them I came to see some faces that I might be able
to swear to another day --Capt. Preston, who was the officer,
turned round and answered (in a melancholy tone) perhaps
you may. After taking a view of each man's face I left them.
They soon after ran up to the main guard house. I have
nothing farther to say.
Suffolk, ss.
March 20, 1770. Benjamin Burdick,
above-named, after due examination, made oath to the
Truth of the aforesaid Affidavit, taken to perpetuate
the remembrance of the Thing.
Before, JOHN RUDDOCK, Just. Peace
& of the Quorum.
And, JOHN HILL, Just. Peace.
(No. 44)
I Charles Hobby of lawful age testify & say, that on
evening the 5th instant, between the hours of 9 & 10 o'clock
being in my master's house, was alarmed with the cry of fire,
I ran down as far as the town-house, and then heard that
the soldiers and the inhabitants were fighting in the alley by