[Top part of page includes end of entry for 12 April 1865. It has not been transcribed. See page image.]

13 Thurs. [April 1865] I packed up some of my things, and
stayed to Alice Russels to din tea, where I
stayed awfully late.

14 Frid. [April 1865] Packing went on at a great rate. Just
think, we shall be out of this house, Monday
or Tuesday. I went to Aunt Louisa's to tea.
Grandma Upham came to our house for her's.

15th Sat. [April 1865] Now guess my feelings, when
coming down to breakfast, at mother's saying
"The president is killed!" I stared so for
[Drawing of an O-mouthed, shocked face by SGP] a few minutes without speak-
ing. I cannot realize it yet.
Poor, dear, old, Abe. Now I
will tell how his death came
on without any sentiment, for that does
no good. Last night he went with Mrs
Lincoln to see "Our American Cousin", acted
(At Washington) During one of the acts
a pistol shot was heard, and a shriek
from Mrs Lincoln, and before people reco
could collect their senses, A man flourishing