Josselyn in his description of NE. written from his
observations in his 2 voyages one performed in 1638,9
the other in 1663 to 73 & both written & printed
printed at London in 1674 says
speaking of the people of
Boston -- says --
[Citation in right margin: Voyages p. 182.]
"They have store of children & are well accommo-
dated with servants; -- of these some are
others Negroes. Of the English there are that can
eat till they sweat & work till they freeze, & of
the females, that are like Mrs Winter's paddocks, very
tender fingered in cold weather."
These are all the facts which I have been able to
collect respecting Negroes in the early days of
New England;
& from these it appears that Slavery did exist, in a small
proportion before the introduction operation of Government
the Colony; that the Laws when made discouraged it
& the public sentiment was against it; but that
the evil was not eradicated.
No other slaves were known here in those days,
excepting some of the aboriginals of the Country, who