induced the Committee to reconsider and
their vote. One of them, however insisted, that
although suspicions of the Author's principles
might preclude the Poem a place with the Ora-
tion, it ought notwithstanding to be given the
Publick ; for said he, "The People never
principles, and it will answer a very good purpose,
it will rouze them to a high estimate of their
consequences, and keep up that spirit which you are
sensible, Gentlemen, is the life of the Patriots, and
thus, if it be a stratagem, (continued he) the
triver will pervert his purpose, and we reap the
fruit of his own artifice. Accordingly it was suppres-
sed,until a more proper time for its publishment, and
it is certain, the Printers have been asked for it,
and they have refused. We beg leave first to offer
the Poem which was voted to attend the Oration.