[July 18, 1775, cont.] we were all return'd to goal.
19. [July 1775] Escorted
from goal again, with the additional
company of 3 Sailors, thieves and house-breakers,
surrounded by Soldiers. The 3 Sailors examin'd,
Mr. Hunt, Starr, and myself were ask'd who prose-
cuted us, etc. and one
Capt. Symmes
of the regulars
was Summoned by Major Moncreif, as an
against Master Lovell and
Leach. Till this time
we did not know our crimes, or on what account
we were committed; but now we found that
Master Lovell was charg'd with being "a Spy
and giving intelligence to the rebels." Master
Leach for being "a Spy, and Suspected of taking
plans." Mr. Hunt for "Speaking treason."
Starr and mine for concealing
fire-arms. When
Capt. Symmes
appeard, he was So ignorant of
Master Lovell and Leach, that he took one for
the other; that instead of being a just evidence,
he appear'd ashamed and confounded, and went
off. At 2 o'clock we were Sent back to our
Stone edifice under a Strong guard.
20. [July 1775] My 4 room
companions and myself were escor-
ted as before, with one Carpenter a barber, who
Swam from
Boston to
Cambridge and back
again. The said Carpenter and Mr. Hunt