with a naked cutlass, aiming a stroke at my head, which I
happily avoided by a sudden retreat in-doors.
    Isaac Parker.

Suffolk, ss. Boston, March, 19. 1770. Isaac Parker, above-
named, after due examination, made oath to the truth of
the above-written affidavit, taken to perpetuate the re-
membrance of the thing.
Before RI. DANA, Just. of Peace and of the Quorum.
JOHN HILL, Just. Peace.

(No. 30.)
I Bartholomew Kneeland, of Boston, merchant, being of
lawful age, testify and say, that on Monday evening the
fifth instant, (being at my lodgings at the house of my sister
Mrs. Mehetabel Torrey, widow of the late Mr. Samuel Torrey,
deceased) about fifteen minutes after nine of the clock, hearing
a bell ring, which I supposed was for fire, went immediately
to the front door, followed by Mr. Matthias King, Mrs. Torrey
and two others of the family ; standing at the door for the
space of four or five minutes, I saw a number of soldiers with
broad swords and bayonets in the main street near the town pump,
making a great noise ; one of the said soldiers, when nearly op-
posite to me, spake to me the following words, viz. Damn
you, what do you do there ? get in : To which I made no answer ;
the same soldier immediately crossed the gutter, and coming up to me
pointed his naked bayonet within six inches of my breast ; I told him
to go along, and then I retired into the house. In about half
an hour's time after the above, I heard a volley of small arms
fired off in Kingstreet ; and upon enquiry was told that three
men were killed & one wounded.     BART. KNEELAND.

Suffolk, ss. Boston, March 12. 1770. Bartholomew Knee-
land above-named, after due examination, made oath to
the above-written affidavit, taken to perpetuate the re-
membrance of the thing.
Before RI. DANA, Just. of Peace and of the Quorum.
JOHN HILL, Just. Peace.

(No. 31.)
I Nathaniel Appleton, of lawful age, testify, that on Monday
evening the 5th instant, between nine and ten o'clock, I
was sitting in my house in Cornhill, heard a noise in the
street, I went to my front door and saw several persons passing
up and down the street, I asked what was the matter? was in-
formed that the soldiers at Murray's barrack were quarrelling