[May 8, 1776, cont.] who Soon after they were Married
came into this Country. I know not
whether they have an Estate or not--
After Tea we Spent About an Hour
in the Same Manner as before when
I was obliged to Attend Duty & took
my leave, but Not till I had provided
myself with Some entertainin Books
from her Library---

9 [May 1776] Mounted Guard at Harrison Brew-
ery or Grenadiers Fort, Capt Bolster
of Learnards Regt commanded the Guard,
a Gentleman of Superiour Abilities
from what I had conceived when
from his outward Appearance---

10 [May 1776] Visited Miss B Grim in the
Evening She had Several Young
Ladies with her, & one Gentleman
a Physician; Spent the Evening in
a Sociable Manner---

11 [May 1776] Being unwell in the Evening
Morning, I had much difficulty
to keep myself Stiring about through
the Day-- In the Afternoon as I was
taking a Survey of the Works with Lieut
Hayward of the Artilery, a Sudden Squall
arose & I caught a Small wetting before I
could cover myself---