[May 8, 1776, cont.] us for Peace America for Peace.
In the Mean Time America seeing yt
her Terms were Slighted, & discovering
their Intentions, hath been busied in
puting herself in the best Posture of
Defence, that the Nature of her Circ-
-umstances would admit -- The Minds affections
of her Inhabitants (Which before were
Strongly attached to Brittain So that the
People would have taken up Satisfied with
almost any Terms) have been more and
more aliened from Brittain, that we
are now upon the Eve of declaring
ourselves independent of G Brittain
& Seting up an Empire for Ourselves--
What will be the Consequences of this
God only Knows---

In the Afternoon I visited A
very agreable Young Ladie of this City
Miss     with whom I
had before had a Small acquaintance,
As I had, while on Guard Shewn this
Young Ladie & the Company with her
the Civility due to Persons of their
appearance, Viz of Shewing them the
Works &c. She in her Turn was not So
ungratefull as to take no Notice of me,
but as I occasionally accidentally passed the House