Suffolk, ss.
March 20. 1770 Margaret
aforenamed, after due examination, made oath to the
truth of the aforesaid affidavit, taken to perpetuate the
remembrance of the thing.
Before JOHN RUDDOCK, Just. Peace
& of the Quorum.
BELCHER NOYES, Justice o'Peace.
(No. 21.)
RObert Pierpont of lawful age testifies and says, that
to see a sick neighbour between the hours of seven
eight on Monday evening the fifth current, two soldiers arm'd,
once with a broad sword, the other with a club passed him
near the hay market, going towards the town-house, seeming
in great haste. In a few minutes they returned and hallowed
very loud, Colonel. Before the deponent reached Mr.
house, where he was going, they passed him again, joined by
another, with a blue surtout, who had a bayonet with which
he gave the deponent a back-handed stroke, apparently more
to affront than hurt him. On complaint of this treatment,
he said, the deponent should soon bear more of it, and threatned him
very hard, and further saith not.
Suffolk, ss.
March 16. 1770. Robert
Pierpont, above
named, after due examination, made oath to the truth of
the above written affidavit, taken to perpetuate the re-
membrance of the thing.
Before RI. DANA, Just. of Peace
and of the Quorum.
JOHN HILL, Just. Peace.
(No. 22.)
JOhn Brown of lawful age testifies and says, that coming
homewards about nine of the clock on Monday evening
the fifth current, he fell in with Nathaniel Bosworth, and
walking slowly together, a little to the southward of Liberty-
tree so called, they met a parcel of soldiers about six or seven
in number, walking very fast into town, one of the foremost
said, damn you stand out of the way, and struck the deponent a
blow on the breast, which made him stagger and fall nearly to
the ground, tho' he had sheared out of the way. The
pressed along cursing and damning, towards the town-house
with naked bayonets in their hands.
Suffolk, ss.
March 17. 1770. John Brown,
named, after due examination, made oath to the truth of
the above affidavit, taken to perpetuate the remembrance
of the thing. Before RI. DANA, Just. of Peace and of the Quorum.
JOHN HILL, Just. Peace.
I William