Augst. 12 [1775]. Fresh Provisions have been very scarce and
high for some time past: Sheep selling at 6 or
8 Dolls: apiece, Ducks 2 Doll: a pair: Squabs
1 Dollar, Butter 1/4 doll: ; Eggs 2 pistareens
per doz: and other things in the like proportion.

15. [August 1775] This afternoon arrived a number of Trans-
-ports that went about a fortnight since
after Provisions etc: which it is said have
brought from Gardiner's & Fisher's Island
1900 Sheep, 101 head of Cattle, 70 Hogs,
some Cheese, Butter, Eggs, and Wood.
The Transports were man'd with Refugees,
Sailors & about 100 Soldiers.

16. [August 1775] Considerable of Firing between the Lines and
some Ground thrown up in Roxbury.
Passes are granted to some people under very
great Restrictions to cross Winisimet ferry.

17. [August 1775 ]A quantity of Beef delivered out from the
Market-house to the Inhabitants at 8d per lb.

25. [August 1775] The Scarborough & Canceux Men of War came
in this afternoon from Piscataqua; in the former
of which were Governor Wentworth & Family.

27. [August 1775] A very constant Fire kept up between the King's
Troops & Provincials --a little above Penny-Ferry.

30. [August 1775] An almost continual Firing has been main-
-tain'd for this week past betwixt the
Troops both in Charlestown and Roxbury,
tho' without the Loss of many Lives.