peated several times. As he was going out of
the door he turn-
ed back and said Mr. [Amos ]Thayer
knew him very well, and had
drank with him, that his name was Charles Malone. And
further saith not.
Suffolk, ss.
March 17. 1770. Asa Copeland
named, after due examination, made oath to the truth of
the above affidavit, taken to perpetuate the remembrance
of the thing.
Before RI. DANA, Just. of Peace
and of the Quorum.
JOHN HILL, Just. Peace.
(No. 14.)
I John Brailsford of lawful age testify, that on Monday
ing the 5th instant as I was passing by the centry at Col.
Dalrymple's house in Green's Lane, I asked a soldier
Swan of the 29th regiment, what was the reason of their
ple's going about armed with clubs in such manner, and
troubling the town's people. Swan told me you will see, you
better go home, and more to the same purpose. When the guns
were fired I returned back and asked Swan what that could
mean; Swan waving his head, said it's the guards, there is
shot there : You had better go home, and by all his behaviour
and discourse he manifested his full acquaintance with the
whole affair, and further saith not. JOHN BRAILSFORD.
Suffolk, ss.
March 21. 1770. John
Brailsford above-
named, after due examination, made oath to the truth of
the above-written affidavit, takent o perpetuate the re-
membrance of the thing.
Before JOHN RUDDOCK, Just. Peace
and of the Quorum.
JOHN HILL, Just. Peace.
(No. 15)
NAthaniel Noyes of lawful age testifies and says, that on
last Sabbath evening, the 4th day of March current, a
little after dark, he saw five or six soldiers of the 14th and 29th
regiments, each of them with clubs, passing thro'
and heard them say, that if they saw any of the inhabitants of
this town out in the street after nine o'clock, they swore by God,
they would knock them down, be they who they will.
Suffolk, ss.
March 16. 1770. Nathaniel
Noyes above-
named, after due examination, made oath to the truth of
the above-written affidavit, taken to perpetuate the
remembrance of the thing.
Before RI. DANA, Just. of Peace
and of the Quorum.
JOHN HILL, Just. Peace.