Your Excellency will allow your Petitioners,
with due Submission to repeat, that this Esta-
blishment appears to them pregnant with such
fatal Evils, as that the most distant thought of
its taking Effect, fills their Minds with Dread
and Horror.
These Sir, are the Sentiments and Appre-
hensions of this Metropolis: Expressed how-
ever, with due Defference to the Sentiments
the Province, with which your Petitioners are
anxiously sollicitous of being made acquainted.
It is therefore their earnest and humble
Request, that your Excellency would be pleased
to allow the General Assembly to meet at the
Time to which it now stands prorogued; in
order, that in that Constitutional Body, with
whom it is to inquire into Grievances and
Redress them, the joint Wisdom of the Pro-
vince may be employed, in deliberating and
determining on a Matter so important and